Alien Invasion

Alien Invasion

The Alien Invasion #48 – Intergalactic S’Mores

September 27, 2012

A kids show about evil, alien squirrels, Puerto Rico's UFO shaped house and we find out who the Mites are.

* Frech TV and Nickelodeon team up for a show about aliens. (

* Man builds a UFO shaped house to prove his ex-girlfriend wrong. (

* A Nazi-stolen Tibetan statue of extra-terrestrial origin. (

* This week's pick, the story collection The Grays (

* We talk about The Mites ( in our Creature Feature.

* And, our picks; the Doctor Who episode Asylum of the Daleks (, the Syfy TV movie Alien Apocalypse (  and the video game Smashing Planets (

For more information go to  (

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