Alien Invasion

Alien Invasion

The Alien Invasion #44 – Aliens Et Cetera

August 09, 2012

Roswell's other crash, what NASA won't find on Mars and who are the Hav-Musuv?


* Details on this year's Zeeban invasion. (

* There were actually two crashed alien ships at Roswell in 1947. (

* 12 things NASA's Curiosity rover probably won't find on Mars. (

* This week's pick Peaceful Intent: Tales of Alien-Human Interaction ( by Harris Tobias.

* We talk about the real life Hav-Musuv ( aliens in the creature feature.

* And, our picks; the movie The Faculty (, the Xbox Live indie game Abduction Action! ( and Hallmark Channel miniseries Final Days of Planet Earth (

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