Alien Invasion

Alien Invasion

The Alien Invasion #68 – It’s All Gravy

May 05, 2013

( airliner/UFO collision close call.  A faux UFO hearing in Washington D.C. Star Trek Into Darkness talk and what exactly is a Crite?* A passenger jet comes within 300 feet of an unidentified flying object. (* Former lawmakers take part in simulated congressional hearing taking testimony that extraterrestrials are here. (* We get our first look at the "Abrams-verse" Klingons. (* This week's pick, The Gentle Giants of Ganymede by James P. Hogan ( * We talk about the Crites from the Critters movies. (* And, our picks;The film Species ( animated TV series Ben 10 ( short story How I Proposed to My Wife: An Alien Sex Story. ( more information go to  ( leave us feedback, call our voicemail number (805) 328-3966 or e-mail ( ( (