The Yogapedia Podcast

Season 1 Episode 8: Janet Stone - Yogini and Yoga Teacher
In the final episode of season one, Janet Stone tells us how yoga has shaped her life as a woman, mother, artist, environmental advocate and a yoga teacher. Stone shares how her yoga journey has led through deep, personal transformation on many levels. Listen as we discuss how the alchemy of Stone's own yoga journey through bhakti yoga and the eight-limbed path.
Stone has been a dedicated yoga practitioner since 1996, when she traveled to India, the birthplace of her grandfather. Stone blends the alchemy of her own practice with decades of studentship. She aspires not to teach, but to allow the practice to emanate from her, letting awareness blend with movement and breath. Based in San Francisco, Janet leads immersions, retreats, and workshops.
Janet grew up on a wonderful, slightly crazy hippie farm in Northern California, a childhood spent rescuing orphaned animals of every shape and size, eating a lot of tofu and homemade everything, cleaning rabbit cages, bailing hay, working hard, swimming naked, dancing around freely and feeling naturally connected to the planet, a feeling that continues to inform her life and teaching these days.