The Women's Podcast

The Women's Podcast

Ep 198 Lean Out: Women & Economics

March 12, 2018

If women were more present in debates about economics and policy formulation, would the questions that we ask be different and informed by women's lived experience?

As part of the Mountains to Sea book festival’s International Women’s Day event at the LexIcon in Dun Laoghaire, Kathy Sheridan spoke to journalist Dawn Foster, whose book Lean Out counters arguments made by Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg in Lean In, and to prize winning economist Frances Weetman about the impact of austerity on women, the lack of female voices in economic debate and why the whole system needs to be torn down and rebuilt in a more equal way.

Mountains to Sea takes place from March 21st to 25th 2018 and you can find out all about it on