The Wise Fool Art Podcast

The Wise Fool Art Podcast

Curator of Digital Culture + Design Collection, Marlies Wirth, MAK - Museum of Applied Arts (Vienna, Austria)

January 06, 2020

In the beautiful MAK museum we discussed: The Chinese Social Credit System, Algorithms, Applied arts, Vienna Biennale, surveillance capitalism, The uncanny valley, Programming AI with Biased data, Big data, My conspiracy theory about Touch ID, Purchasing art with crypto currency, Museum acquisition process, and Artist statements

And we discussed the following artists and creative thinkers:
Trevor Paglen
Vito Acconci
Donald Judd
Shoshana Zuboff
Masahiro Mori
Harm van den Dorpel


Marlies Wirth has been working for the MAK—Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art in Vienna since 2006. As a curator for Digital Culture, she is involved in the conception of the Vienna Biennale and is head of the MAK Design Collection. She curates exhibitions in the fields of art, design, architecture, and technology, including Vienna Biennale 2017 and Vienna Biennale 2019, with the exhibition UNCANNY VALUES: Artificial Intelligence & You. She is one of the curators of the international travelling exhibition Hello, Robot. Design between Human and Machine and co-director of the Global Art Forum 2018: I am Not a Robot in Dubai and Singapore. Focusing on conceptual art and cultural anthropological contexts of artistic productions, she also develops independent exhibition projects and authors texts and essays for publications.