Boost Health

Boost Health

Latest Episodes

What Is Addiction?
September 28, 2020

Special guest Dr. Lance Dodes joins me on episode 59 of the Boost Health Podcast!Irecently read several of his books about addiction and was blown away. The mainstream understanding of addiction is

5 Options For Home Gym Setup Plus Benefits and Resources of At Home Workouts – BHP58
March 30, 2020

Time For Fitness At Home Covid-19 is keeping us all at home. Many places around the world have closed down non-essential in person services. Schools, offices, restaurants, shops, and gyms have shut

Is ELDOA Better Than Foam Rolling? – With Jacob Schoen – BHP57
October 19, 2019

I am very excited to launch this episode with special guest Jacob Schoen.  I first heard Jacob on Ben Greenfield’s podcast back in 2017.  Immediately after hearing the show, I put my foam rollers and smashing devices in the corner to sit for an entire ...

The Best Protein Source – Myths, Digestion Vs. Utilization, And Essential Amino Acids – With Dr. David Minkoff – BHP56
August 31, 2019

I am super excited to launch this episode with special guest Dr. David Minkoff!  I think everyone will learn a lot in this episode about protein and take away actionable steps no matter what type of diet you are on.

Proper Running Form – More Speed, More Efficiency, Less Injuries – With David Jacquier – BHP55
June 18, 2019

Today’s show features a focus on running form with special guest David Jacquier of Joint Dynamics.  If you are interested in any aspect of running from preventing injury, to being faster and more efficient, this show is for you!

Sleep, Stress, Productivity, and Routine: Reset Your Feedback Loops – BHP54
June 01, 2019

I recently had one of my corporate wellness clients ask me to do a presentation on sleep and stress as that was a common theme issue with folks in their office.  I agreed and started digging into the research, like I always do,

11 Evidence-Based Tactics To Increase Testosterone Naturally – BHP53
April 26, 2019

Symptoms Of Low Testosterone I have had the topic of testosterone on my list of podcast topics for a long time.  When a friend of mine reached out recently for some advice about reduced testosterone, I decided this would be a good time to bring it up o...

Plant-Based Diet Nutrient Breakdown – Prevent Deficiency and Thrive – BHP52
April 10, 2019

Anyone who has switched to a plant-based diet has heard the normal set of questions and remarks from friends, family, and co-workers:  “How do you get enough protein?”   “What about fish?”   “What about eggs?”  “What about dairy?

11 Science-Backed Health Benefits Of Sauna – BHP51
March 10, 2019

Disclaimer:  Sauna bathing may not be appropriate for you.  Please check with your doctor before beginning any sauna bathing program. I started my career in wellness and fitness as a personal trainer while I was still in university.

24 Hour Fast – 13 Tips, Benefits, And Expectations – BHP50
March 02, 2019

Disclaimer: Fasting is not appropriate for everyone. Please check with your doctor before beginning any fasting program. Over the last few years I kept hearing about the benefits of intermittent fas