The Vulva Diaries

Lichen Sclerosus and Lichen Planus in Pregnancy
In this week’s episode Dr. Selk chats again with Dr. Jennifer Bradford, a gynecologist in Sydney, Australia with a tertiary care practice in vulvovaginal disease and co-author of “The Vulva” handbook. In this second episode covering lichen sclerosus and lichen planus with Dr. Bradford, they discuss how pregnancy can affect these conditions. Topics discussed include how lichen sclerosus (LS) and lichen planus (LP) symptoms change over the course of pregnancy and post-partum, LS and LP treatments during pregnancy, vaginal delivery with LS or LP, managing post-partum LS flares, topical steroid safety in pregnancy (and tips on how to counsel patients about this), elective C-sections, potential effect of breastfeeding on post-partum flares, and tips for motivating patients to improve treatment compliance post-partum.