The Vulva Diaries

Lichen Planus
Dr. Selk interviews Dr. Melissa Mauskar, a dermatologist at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas Texas, about lichen planus. Topics covered include the definition of lichen planus, the different forms of lichen planus, prevalence, typical presentation, what to look for on exam, when and how to biopsy, and steps to take after you get a non-specific biopsy result. They also discuss different treatments, depending on whether the patient has localized vulvar disease or disease in different areas of the body, treating the patient that's not getting better, which systemic therapies work best, how to treat patients with vaginal involvement, use of dilators, treating post-menopausal patients on topical estrogen therapy, which topical steroids to use, counselling patients on steroid application, and the impact of lichen planus on patients' quality of life.