The Unexplained With Howard Hughes

The Unexplained With Howard Hughes

Latest Episodes

The Unexplained 86 - The Future, Paul Guercio
July 05, 2012

This edition features a return visit of futurist Paul Guercio who, with co-creator George Hart, created The Merlin Project – a scientific way of predicting future events from past ones. With the world in its current state this is a must-hear show!

The Unexplained 85 - Baltic Sea UFO Special
June 27, 2012

You may have read in the world's newspapers about the discovery of a possible UFO on the floor of the Baltic Sea in Northern Europe. A diving team first discovered a large, strange disc last year – and have now returned to the scene. One of the Expediti

The Unexplained 84 - Sheerie Dillard
June 22, 2012

This Edition features North Carolina-based Medium and Researcher Sherrie Dillard – who believes we can tap into the power of Mary to make Miracles happen.

The Unexplained 83 - UFOs In 2012
June 15, 2012

This edition we meet US-based Richard Dolan - a prolific researcher and author with an academic background and an excellent track record - We hear more about his latest research on the way the truth about the UFO phenomenon is bound to come out.

The Unexplained 82 - James Bond Is Real
June 11, 2012

This new Edition features the highly controversial research of ex-military man and author Mike Sparks - Mike believes there was much more to Bond-creator and British War Hero Ian Fleming than most people know. The views expressed in this show are those of

The Unexplained 81 - Erlendur Haraldsson
May 20, 2012

This edition features one of the worlds best known paranormal and parapsychology investigators, Icelander Erlendur Haraldsson. His exhaustive research on apparitions and the people who report them is detailed in his book The Departed Among The Living.

The Unexplained 80 - Mayan Calendar
May 17, 2012

The show returns with world expert on the Mayan Calendar – Dr Carl Johan Calleman. Does the Calendar really predict the end of civilization as we know at the end of 2012? And what else is it telling us about life on this planet?

The Unexplained 79 - Turin Shroud Update
April 05, 2012

This edition features British researcher Thomas de Wesselow who has made headlines in the UK this week with his new book on the Turin Shroud The Sign. You may have thought you had heard all there is to be said about it – you have not!

The Unexplained 78 - Ian Shircore
April 01, 2012

This edition features British investigative journalist Ian Shircore who has looked into not one but scores of the biggest conspiracy theories. They include whether the Duke of Edinburgh is a shape-shifting lizard, the deaths of Marilyn Monroe, Princess Di

The Unexplained 77 - Thomas P Fusco
February 29, 2012

This time we talk with Tom Fusco in Florida - he says he is come up with a fascinating scientific theory that links together and explains all paranormal phenomena...