The True Self School Podcast

Ep. 28 Day 2: Self-Confidence Devotional
Day 2 – Psalms 139:14
The Bible translations that I want to review today are the new King James Contemporary English version and the new living.
New King James says, I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are your works, and that my soul knows very well.
The CV says, I praise you because of the wonderful way you created me. Everything you do is marvelous. Of this, I have no doubt.
The New Living translation says, Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex. Your workmanship is marvelous. How well I know it.
What’s interesting about this scripture are the three words that I want to highlight.
- Fearfully.
- Reverence –
- High esteem – to admire with pride, to have joy and wonder and delight to approve.
- High regard – to consider or think of someone or something in a specific way.
- Great respect – a deep feeling of admiration of someone elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
- High esteem – to admire with pride, to have joy and wonder and delight to approve.
- Reverence –
God says you’re fearfully and wonderfully made. Now this word wonderfully means
- Wonderfully
- Distinct – Recognizably different.
- Separated – viewed as a unit by yourself, masterpiece, work of art.
- Distinguished – An observable difference, respected, impressive.
- Distinct – Recognizably different.
- Marvelous
- Extraordinary – very unusual, exceptional, amazing, astounding.
- Surpassing – incomparable, outstanding
- Wondrous – inspiring a feeling of wonder or delight.
- Extraordinary – very unusual, exceptional, amazing, astounding.
So you’re exceptional, you’re amazing, you’re outstanding, you’re inspiring, delight in wonder.
You’re recognizably different. You’re viewed as a masterpiece of work of art. There’s an observable difference about you that’s respected. People admire you, they have joy and wonder, and they take delight in you. And they have great respect for you, which is a deep appreciation.
So how can you not have confidence?
How is it that you not say to yourself that you’re wonderful, that you’re created this way on purpose, that the hard work and skill and equality to God used to create you makes you extraordinary?
That you were created with admiration and pride and joy and approval simply stated that you’re enough. That you are fearfully and wonderfully made; that you’re impressive. Your abilities and qualities, and achievements are built into your DNA.
How could you not have self-confidence when you understand what the word of God says about you? He says that you’re fearfully and wonderfully made.
You were created with a wonderful purpose; you are extraordinary; The hard work and great skill, quality, and materials used to create you.
You are enough. You are designed with appreciation, joy, and approval.
You’re fearfully and wonderfully made. Again, I say God made a marvelous work with you. And you have impressive abilities, qualities, and achievements built into your DNA.
Finally, you’re fearfully and wonderfully made approved of distinguished and exceptional.
Let’s end here with a prayer.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you. Praise you for fearfully and wonderfully making me everything you do is marvelous of this. I have no doubt.
God, I choose to believe your word about who I am. I walk in your confidence that you built in me. Every day, I will remind myself of where I come from and who I am, and what I’m capable of. I’m more than enough. I’m more than a conqueror. I can do everything that I was created to do.
And as always, you give me exceedingly abundantly above all, I ask, or think, according to the power that’s active in me. So, Lord, I activate the power of self-confidence you placed in me and move into my day assured of the success you planned in my life.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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