The True Self School Podcast

Ep. 25 4 Steps to Beat Frustration
Have you ever wanted something and did everything you knew to get, achieve, or receive it. You decided to get it, researched precisely what you wanted, and knew everything there was to know about what you wanted. You were now an expert on your desire. You cut pictures out of magazines, searched for photos on the internet, bookmarked all the best sites, and made a vision board. You looked at that vision board every day and got excited when you saw the pictures of your desire. You thought about it constantly, whenever you got a spare moment. While you stopped at a red light waiting for it to turn green, you saw yourself with your desire. You talked about your desire to other people so much that they got tired of listening to you.
As the days and weeks started to pass, your enthusiasm started to wane, and you thought about your desire less and less. You walked past your vision board as if it was part of the painted wall, no longer seeing your desire the way you had seen it initially.
It now seems like a daydream, something you did to pass the time one day when you were bored.
No, it wasn’t a daydream, it was indeed something that you wanted, but you didn’t realize that you had to receive the desire before it manifested in physical form. There are four primary elements to belief, and receiving it is an important one. When you believe something, you have to:
Accept it – believe its existence, say yes to it, welcome it into your life
Consent to it – give it permission to happen, it doesn’t just arrive – you have to create it
Form an impression in your mind of what you are receiving – you have to see to receive it
Serve as a receptacle for your desire. You plant the belief for your desire in your soul
Provide space for it, make room for your desire – literally and figuratively
Detect it or pick it up like a broadcast signal. Whatever you focus on, you attract
Too many times, we give up on what we said we wanted.
We put in hours of prep work, and as soon as we don’t immediately see the manifestation of what we want, we get discouraged and quit. That discouragement or lack of enthusiasm can take on many forms like:
Anger – which is a secondary emotion, and masking the real feeling you don’t want to deal with
Disappointment - which is sadness caused by the unfulfillment
Then we stop and usually quit.
Now filled with regret and a limiting belief that may sound something like:
“What’s the point in trying? I’m not:
Smart enough
Pretty enough
Old Enough
Young Enough
Rich enough
Popular enough
Tall enough
Small enough
Any Enough will do
Then we rationalize
It’s not for me
God didn’t want that for me
When one door shuts, another door opens
“People” are always trying to keep me down
The truth is none of those things was the issue.
They were just roadblocks, obstacles, situations that stood in between you and what you said you wanted.
When you believe something, you know that it doesn’t just walk in the door until you have manifested it. If you’ve just started believing, then it’s like the muscles in your body. You have to exercise them so that they get stronger and can handle the weight. You also need to stretch them to keep them flexible and healthy to maintain a range of motion in your joints.
The receiving part of your belief works the same way. Your belief is flexible, healthy, and has a solid range of motion to handle the weight of receiving your desire.
Pick up from where you stopped believing; you don’t have to start over. Go back to your vision board,