The True Self School Podcast

Ep 21 Do You Know You’re Blessed, Highly Favored, and Loved by God?
Everybody has a purpose, and I believe that God created each person for something specific. When you realize your gifts and purpose, and you walk in that, you live in that, and you do that. It just kind of comes naturally.
God wants to say something. He wants me to relay knowledge to you differently today.
So what you're going to hear is what I believe. God wanted you to say through me. Be blessed. I hope you receive it.
You know, I want to talk about being blessed.
I have come through so many things in my life.
I've seen a lot of abuse. I've seen a lot of abundance, and no matter what, even when I didn't even know it, God was always with me.
Loved and protected me
Provided for me
Given me, everything that I could ever think of or ask for and a lot of stuff that I didn't even know was available to me.
Understood me for who I am, accepting me for who I am and what I am.
I love spending time with God. He's my best friend. I can go to him and talk to him about anything. I'm so blessed. It's not about the pursuit of things, the attainment of material possessions. It's not about being in a relationship with other people that are blessed. It comes from inside. It's how you feel is how you think. It's how you move in the world.
I'm blessed; there's nothing that I can't have. There's nothing that I can't do. There's nowhere I can't go, there's nobody that I can't be, I can be whoever I want to be, I can do whatever I want to do.
I can live where I want to live. I can have whatever I want to have.
I am blessed.
It's amazing how much:
God loves me.
He cares.
He's provided for me.
He's protected me.
He has in store for me.
He says I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, thoughts of good and not evil, of an expected end. He knew me before the foundation of the Earth, creating me knitting me together in my mother's womb. He formed me. He knows every molecule.
He knows me. He created me. I have a purpose, and when I flow in that purpose when I live in that purpose when I do what He's called me to do, I am perfectly happy. I am content.
PRAYER for God's Blessing.
He's a glorious God, a merciful God - Hallelujah, an omniscient God. He knows everything. He's omnipotent - Hallelujah, He has all power. Hallelujah, Lord, I praise you for your Grace and your mercy and your kindness. I exalt you and reverence You for this opportunity to let people know that I am blessed and let them know that they're also blessed. That You love them, that You protect them, that You provide for them. Lord, I give you praise and glory and honor.
Hallelujah, Lord, I thank you for the confidence that you placed in the people that hear my voice.
Lord, I Thank and Praise You for their:
Careers and purposes. Hallelujah Lord,
Lord, I thank you and praise you in the name of Jesus. They have a sound mind, and Your peace surrounds them. Lord, I praise and glorify your holy name for you.
Lord, you're worthy.
You are magnificent.
You, Lord, are glorious Hallelujah.
I give you the praise, the glory, and honor. God, you're worthy. God, you're an amazing God. You're a miraculous God, and I thank you for your people.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
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