The True Self School Podcast

Ep. 20 A Powerful Way to Control Your Mind
Today I’ll share with you a life-changing technique that cost me thousands of dollars to learn and decades to understand.
Let me tell you about a skill set that you can activate every day that inundates your mind with confident power, facilitating the person you want to become.
Okay, calm your mind, get relaxed and peaceful and think about the person you want to be, with the qualities you want to embody.
Imagine what your:
- Life would be like?
- Where do you live?
- Do you live in a house, an apartment, a townhouse, a tiny home?
- How big is it? How many bedrooms? Do you have a sauna?
- Do you live in the city? The country? The suburbs? By the ocean? In the mountains? In a different country?
- How big is it? How many bedrooms? Do you have a sauna?
- Do you live in a house, an apartment, a townhouse, a tiny home?
- What’s happening with your health?
- Are you disease-free?
- Are you a vegan, a fruitarian?
- Do you exercise, how often?
- What kind of exercise? Bodybuilding, Pilates, running?
- What kind of exercise? Bodybuilding, Pilates, running?
- Do you have hobbies?
- Sewing, motorcycles, para-sailing?
- Sewing, motorcycles, para-sailing?
- Are you disease-free?
- Your standard of living?
- $50K, $150K, $500K, a million a year?
- Is your house paid for?
- What kind of car do you drive? Do you have a driver?
- $50K, $150K, $500K, a million a year?
- Who are the people in your life?
- Do you have a family? Are you married, have children – how many, nieces and nephews?
- Do you have a family? Are you married, have children – how many, nieces and nephews?
- Career, Ministry, Retired, Volunteer work.
- Do you travel? Where do you go, how often, with who, how do you get there?
Now, don’t edit yourself or be “realistic” when answering these questions. Go crazy, think of the most far-out their things you can, as if it was a fantasy that you could participate in – Because if you can think it, you can have it. Don’t forget the excitement you would feel in the dream.
Fun Fact: Completing this exercise is programing your subconscious with the new you.
One of the most powerful techniques to modify your self-image is visualization.
How you see yourself is who you become.
If you don’t put in the effort and time to create yourself, whatever influences you will create an image for you. If you watch a lot of TV and you don’t spend any time seeing yourself or what you want to do, you may not like the image that materializes.
Images are commanding, they:
- Intensify your desires and strengthen your beliefs
- Increase your willpower and build your persistence
There are four components of a visualization:
- Frequency
- Clarity
- Intensity
- Duration
Let’s briefly discuss each component.
1st Component
Frequency is how often you visualize an event, goal, or behavior. Frequency has a powerful impact on how you think, feel, and behave. People who accomplish extraordinary things continually visualize their desired results, thinking about what they want to achieve all the time and replaying the ideal image repeatedly, like re-watching a movie continuously on the screen in their minds. Interestingly, the number of times you replay the film in your mind indicates how much you want the event, goal, or behavior and, at the same time, intensifies your desire to have it and your belief that it’s available to you.
2nd Component
Clarity is the second component of visualization. Clarity is how precise you see in your imagination – the detail and vividness. There is a direct relationship between how clearly you see a desired goal or result and how quickly it appears for you.
Think about when you thought about something you wanted, and your initial thoughts were vague and fuzzy. But the more you thought about it, the clearer and more detailed the image became. Eventually, you could see it without closing your eyes, and it materialized in your world.
Successful people are very clear about what they want to be and do; Their mental pictures are precise. Unsuccessful people are unsure about what they want to be and do. Consequently, the vague, fuzzy mental images don’t motivate them nor activate their cognitive processes, and disappointment and failure materialize in their world.
3rd Component
The third component of visualization is intensity. The amount of emotion combined with your mental picture is intensity.
Excitement, enthusiasm, and tremendous faith, fast tracks whatever you’re imagining. Intensifying the emotion with your visualization turbocharges your potential. You’re experiencing the emotion as if it were happening to you now. Being now who you are becoming.
On the contrary, the surest way to failure and a lack of success is low-level energy, negativity, and doubt. Passiveness, laziness, and a lackadaisical attitude directly lead to defeat, disappointment, and hopelessness.
4th Component
And the last component of visualization is duration. The length of time you play the movie in your mind is duration. The longer you imagine a desired future event, the more likely it will appear. Having physical pictures of what you imagine acts as a command that programs your subconscious mind. The new visual orders change your self-concept to mirror the movie in your mind.
Do you want a new home? Try this, go to open houses until you find the place you want and take pictures of yourself in the home, and use them as visual commands to program that home into your world.
When you combine the components of frequency, clarity, intensity, and duration with your visualizations of anything you want to be, do or have in the future, you turbocharge the image and accelerate your movement toward it. You unleash dormant power that releases resources enabling you to succeed and accomplish far more than you have before.
As always, you have a choice to do the work. The work here leads to success. Practice develops your Visualization ability, creating a clear, vivid mental picture of the person you most want to become and doing the things you want. And since your external performance is always consistent with your internal image, when you’re self-conscious or believe you’re incompetent, you’ll feel stressed and afraid; when you see yourself as excellent, you’ll feel peaceful, confident, and capable.
Now, you know how to control your mind; it’s up to you what you do with it.
If you need accountability to help with who you’re becoming, come and join us at The True Self School.