The True Self School Podcast
Ep. 15 Don’t Let Fear Back You Down
Stop giving up! That’s why you aren’t getting anywhere except behind. How do you expect to succeed? Or do you think real life is like what you see on the movie screen? Let me be the one to break the news to you and say that’s not going to happen. You may not get a happily ever after the first, second, or even the third time you begin to do something. That’s why you have to be clear about your vision and know why you’re doing it. That “Why” has to fuel you when everyone around you is telling you to stop, that it’s a waste of time; that God isn’t in it; that you got out ahead of God, that you aren’t meant to do this; that you’re not being realistic. Also, for the times when you are telling yourself the same things and usually worse. Something worse you can say to yourself is that you aren’t some form of enough. Not smart enough, not young enough, not old enough, not skinny enough, not white enough, not educated enough, not enough time, not enough money, not enough people that like you, you’re not loveable enough.
I call “Bull” on all of that. If it’s what you want and you know down deep in your knower. Then it’s time for you to pull aside from the world – the TV, people talking in your ear, whatever you’re reading, the social media platforms that you’re scrolling through to get answers and likes, and validation from. Pull aside by yourself and think. Don’t criticize yourself, but think correctly. Whatever you’re thinking is who you are and what you are doing. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
You already had the heart to heart with God, and you know that what you want is possible. Remember what Matthew told you that Jesus said to him and the disciples. “With men, this is impossible; but with God, all things are possible.” Don’t let fear back you down now. Stand up and fight, push through, and use that 40% reserve inside of you sitting there. That reserve that kicks in when your life is on the line. Focus on your destination and get clear on your strategy. Look at your situation. Remember, what is your goal. Where do you want to go, and what do you want to achieve? Tell yourself,” Okay, my situation isn’t ideal, but how can I still get to my destination?”
Suppose you lived in a remote location and wanted to get to a city that was one hundred miles away. You don’t own a car, so you got the money together and hired an Uber car and driver to come and pick you up and take you to the city. On the day of your trip, for whatever reason, say the Uber driver and car didn’t show up, but you still needed to get to the city, and there wasn’t anyone else that could come and get you for six months, what would you do?
Would you:
Do your usual and blame other people and your circumstances for your life, not going the way you want it. Get upset, then discouraged, and make the appointment for six months in the future?
Look around your environment, find materials, and build a car or a motorcycle or a skateboard to get you to the city?
Would you gather all of the resources you had on hand, pack a bag and set out walking to your destination with the single thought of “I’m going to make it to the city somehow.”?
Look I’ve just brainstormed and given you three possible ways to respond. You can choose to respond however you want, but the choice is yours – let’s be clear on that.
What I’m saying isn’t one of those talks where I make you feel good about giving up. It’s one of those talks where I tell you the truth. What you choose or don’t choose is YOUR decision, and you have to be ready to deal with the outcome. It’s your life, and you’re 100% responsible for it. Nobody else is responsible for giving you anything, saving you or making your life easier, better, or kinder. I know this may be hard to hear, but since no one has told you this, I’m giving you this information so you can make informed choices.