The True Self School Podcast

The True Self School Podcast

Ep. 13 HELP – I Want to Give Up!

September 03, 2020

Help I Want to Give Up!
Have you ever felt like you wanted to give up on something? Like Popeye, “You’ve stood all you can stand, and you can’t stands no more.” You’ve done everything you can think of. You have exhausted all of your financial resources and maybe even the resources of others. You’re not alone. Everyone has found themselves standing at the edge of a mental cliff, contemplating throwing their dream or goal over the edge and turning around and walking away.

I know you’re getting caught up in the frustration and the overwhelm of all of the knowledge you have to attain and completing unending activities to realize your dream and see your goal achieved.

What if I told you that your cliff experience is part of the journey.
What if I have some help for you.
What if I could encourage you to keep going with a strategy so that you don’t give up, stop, or quit.

I Got You.

Let’s talk about the cycle of success – the excitement to create, the discouragement that comes from your perceived failures, and can lead to your overwhelming desire to quit before achieving your dreams and goals.
Why Do We Give Up Easily?
Have you ever wondered why giving up is one of the first thoughts you have when things get hard?

It’s partly because of the Pleasure Principle, also known as instant gratification. The good news is that you’re normal, and what you’re experiencing is part of the standard success cycle. You only want to experience pleasure and avoid discomfort and pain at all cost to satisfy your psychological or biological needs. You don’t want to delay, and actually, you are fighting putting off to a better time what is needed now, to achieve your dream and goal. Your mind isn’t renewed to press through the fight. Instead, you want to flee. The combination of anxiety and overwhelm is designed to convince you to give up.

I’m sure you’ve heard a variation of these sayings before:

Success isn’t easy
Green peas come before the dessert
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

Disappointment and overwhelm are common when you’ve done all you know to do, and you haven’t achieved your dream or goal.

Let me assure you that giving up isn’t the answer – especially if you know that you know what you’re working towards is what you’re supposed to do, be or have.

Yes, there will be times when you want to give up; that’s normal. But giving up isn’t the correct choice.
The Result of Giving Up
Overnight success is a lie. Everyone who has succeeded has failed many times; those who have achieved great success have failed hundreds of times, and others have failed thousands of times.

Sometimes you have to work harder, sometimes you have to work smarter, sometimes you have to adjust and modify the plan, but you don’t give up.

You are not a quitter!

A quitter is worse than a failure.

Quitters don’t believe in themselves because they think they don’t have any strengths, gifts, or talents. Let me give you some truth here.


· Strength

· Gift

· Talent

What’s happening is that you are telling yourself the wrong information. You are basing your decision to win and succeed on a lie and probably on several lies - destructive thoughts and limiting beliefs.

The truth is that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, and you have greatness to contribute to the world - to your sphere of influence. I’ve said this before and will continue to say it – there are people out there waiting for you. There are people out there, praying for everything that you are right now—all of your perceived imperfections, flaws, and weaknesses.

Giving up is not the correct choice.