The True Self School Podcast

The True Self School Podcast

Ep. 7 – Prayer, The Deepest & Highest Work of the Human Spirit

June 18, 2020

What is Prayer
Simply stated it’s asking

Not a timid, begging for something like you don’t deserve it - asking
It’s the asking that you do when you know your rights
When you know the police, the lawyers and the judge
You are entirely confident that what you’re asking will be done.

1 John 5:14-15 AMP, Classic Edition says,
“And this is the confidence ( the assurance, the privilege of boldness) which we have in Him: (we are sure) that if we ask anything (make any request) according to His will (in agreement with His plan), He listens to and hears us.
And if (since) we (positively) know that He listens to us in whatever we ask, we also know (with settled and absolute knowledge) that we have (granted to us as our present possessions) the requests made of Him.

You are humble and respectful, but you are very confident.

Remember to pray like you Prayers can and will make a difference
You are a co-laborer with God (1Cor. 3:9)

You are working with God to determine the outcome of situations
You are not a bystander with no power or authority.
You are working with the One who created the wind, the moon, and the stars - that same God.

Remember, God gave the lease for the earth to humans, and we have to ask Him into our situations.
Just like we have to ask Him into our lives.

Humans have free will- we get to decide, we have choices
When you ask, He shows up
When you don’t pray – God doesn’t work things out

Prayer transports us from the natural everyday realm into the spirit realm.
The spirit realm is the real place where all things originate.
People are

Spirits – the “real you”, your life force
you have a soul (mind, will, and emotions)- that live in the brain
And you have a body – where your spirit resides

Your body is not the “real you”, it’s the house you live in

Prayer is the deepest and highest activity of the human spirit
It’s the highest form of power. Higher than money and position in organizations

If you want Real Power - Develop a lifestyle of Prayer and watch the power you yield.

Different Types of Prayer
I will briefly talk about 3 types of Prayer – there are 5 other types
Each Prayer type has different rules and laws that govern its function
This is one of the main reasons people don’t get answers to Prayer and become discouraged, angry or even bitter with God and stop praying.

Prayer of Petition also known as the Prayer of Faith – Mark 11:23

This Prayer changes things
It’s based on the Word of God
Don’t ever say, “If it be your will” that’s not part of the rules of praying in faith and it’s not humility.
The Prayer of petition is a process

You start with your desire
Find a scripture/promise that covers that desire
You study that scripture/promise to get the revelation - it’s understanding
You meditate that scripture/promise until you believe it
Then you pray and ask for it - after you believe it
You use your words to speak the desire
And then you receive it – the manifestation

God is cool with you getting your wants and desires met. He tells you that in the Word.
So don’t be timid and scared to ask for what you want

Prayer of Consecration – Luke 22:41-42

This is the Prayer where you say to God “Your will be done.”
I want what You want God
I lay down my wants and desires
This is the Prayer you use when you are committing your life to God ...