Great Question: A Manufacturing Podcast

Great Question: A Manufacturing Podcast

Latest Episodes

How Compressed Air Innovations Over the Last 10 Years Have Shaped Industrial Maintenance
August 29, 2024

For a long time, compressed air systems were a massive time drain on stretched maintenance personnel, with plants reluctantly willing to make a tradeoff of continuous manual intervention in exchange for constant air delivery. However, things are different

People Before Technology: Digital, Connected Workers Require a Human-Centric Focus
August 28, 2024

At the IndustryWeek Operations Leadership Summit in June in Indianapolis, IT and OT experts discussed how to connect people with technology to make digital transformation work. In this frank panel discussion, manufacturing experts talked about why so many

Find the Right Person for You: Addressing the Manufacturing Talent Gap
August 27, 2024

There is a chronic problem limiting U.S. manufacturing productivity and the growth potential for individual manufacturers. One study claims manufacturers may require as many as 3.8 million new employees by 2033. A new approach has been developed for man

Achieving Automation With “Made in America”
August 24, 2024

In this episode of Great Question: A Manufacturing Podcast, Laura Davis, editor-in-chief of New Equipment Digest talks with Shalab Shalli Kumar, founder and chairman of EZAutomation on his success in the automation industry, his numerous patents, and hi

It's ALL about your data: How manufacturers can capture and extract value from data
August 23, 2024

Industry 4.0 enthusiast and thought leader Jeff Winter teamed up with Smart Industry's Scott Achelpohl for the sequel to their debut of SI's monthly manufacturing technology series, (R)Evolutionizing Manufacturing. While the premiere dealt with the ABCs

Why Bother Connecting Workers with Technology? [Production Pulse]
August 22, 2024

Connecting frontline workers with back-end manufacturing technology can give them the context and information to do their jobs better. But, how does it work, and what are the immediate goals? IW discusses the technology with Jerry Grunewald of INVISTA and

Is Automation Right for Me? The Answer Is Yes.
August 20, 2024

In this episode of Great Question: A Manufacturing Podcast, Laura Davis, editor-in-chief of New Equipment Digest discusses five reasons automation can work for any companyeven the small ones.About the Article5 Reasons Why Small or Mid-Size Shops Can't

Safety Is More Than Paperwork and PPE — How Manufacturers Can Build a Better Safety Culture
August 15, 2024

Shawn Galloway is the CEO of ProAct Safety, a global consultancy firm that works with hundreds of clients across all major industries. He is also a professional speaker and author of several bestselling books on strategy, culture, leadership and employee

Getting Started with Digital Transformation
August 13, 2024

In the first episode of their (R)Evolutionizing Manufacturing video series, Smart Industry's Scott Achelpohl and Industry 4.0 guru and evangelist Jeff Winter discuss the basics of how companies can start down the data-driven production path. In addition t

3 Tips for a Successful Maintenance Turnaround
August 10, 2024

With plant turnarounds requiring significant resources to plan and execute, there are many factors to take into consideration. The pandemic magnified some of the issues in this space and challenges still exist today, making it important to implement best