The Tony Moze Podcast (raw & uncut)

The Tony Moze Podcast (raw & uncut)

Latest Episodes

Analysis Paralysis
December 28, 2018

I’m still here. Just trying to figure out stuff in the midst of picking up a new skill (software development) and handling typical life issues. What do you do in the world of noise?

December 19, 2018

...about life.

Thoughts from yesterday
December 18, 2018

The summary of being uncomfortable

December 17, 2018

This is the Tony Moze podcast 2.0. Its suppose to NOT be the best quality for a reason.

Not everyone will understand if...
December 16, 2018

In this episode, I talk about jargon, sophisticated talk, or how one way of speaking doesnt always bring forth understanding for others if you want to be understood, you have to know how to understand others.

You will always be dissatisfied.
December 16, 2018

In this episode, I air out and observation I made about human suffering. It comes down to your satisfaction and dissatisfactions, which are based from sensation and perception. I use an example in here that may be vivid to most. Please enjoy.

You versus YOU
December 13, 2018

Who are you competing against?

Punctuality is for... (Part 2).
December 12, 2018

In this episode, I talk about what can arriving SUPER early (30 minutes or more) can do for you and the peers around you. Your life will be different after hearing this.

Punctuality is for..... (part 1)
December 12, 2018

Here is part 1 of 2 of what arriving SUPER early is like and what it means for you!

Why you should arrive super EARLY ⏰
December 11, 2018

I was tired of the consequences of how I felt being late. Lost opportunities, getting fired, demoted, disrespected, said I lacked credibility. I knew there was something I had to change.