The Thinking Woodsman Show

The Thinking Woodsman Show

The Thinking Woodsman Presents: Shooting the Breeze – Episode 1

May 10, 2016

The Thinking Woodsman Podcast is proud to present the first in a series of in-depth, wide-ranging supplemental shows called, ‘Shooting the Breeze’ and we’re kicking things off with Chris Brackett.
Get it? Shooting the Breeze? Archery? Hunting? Conversation?
Sure you do.
This episode found us away from the studio hanging out with Chris and Chip Spaulding in the Animal House studio where they produce both Fear No Evil and Arrow Affliction for Outdoor Channel and the Sportsman Channel respectively. Did I mention that this show is uncut? Yeah, no edits, no filter and it didn’t take long for the conversation to get interesting.
Here’s a little sampler of the ground we covered:

* Eating candles
* What it takes to produce outdoor shows
* Hunting ethics
* What life’s being an outdoor media celebrity (I already knew from my own experience, I was just asking for the benefit of the listeners.)
* Poetry
* Monkeys

Subscribe to the show so you don’t miss the next episode. Tell our partners you appreciate their support by visiting them for your archery and outdoor gear needs.
Tell ’em Tim from the TW Podcast sent you and they’ll say, “Who?”
Show Links:
Fear No Evil on Facebook –
Arrow Affliction on Facebook –
Outdoor Channel –
The Sportsman Channel –