The Table MPLS

The Table MPLS

Latest Episodes

Law Bends Down to Love
November 12, 2023

In our journey through John Mark's gospel, Debbie takes us into Mark 3 and the healing of the man with the withered hand.

New Wine, Old Wineskins
November 05, 2023

As we continue our progression through John Mark's gospel, Matt questions what we thought we knew about following the Spirit and calling ourselves progressive.

Relationships that Transform
October 29, 2023

We're in a year-long series on the gospel of John Mark. This week, Pastor Jae looks at a passage that has sometimes been weaponized against peopleand what it actually means for us and our relationships.

Through the Roof
October 22, 2023

We've embarked on a year-long study of Mark. This week, Matt takes us to the story of the paralytic lowered through the roof to Jesus.

Bearing the Cross, Not Wielding It
October 15, 2023

We have begun a year-long study of the gospel of Mark. This week, Debbie talks about how Jesus was moved to action out of anger at the systems of oppression of his day. Can we be a people who do the same?

Are We Well?
October 08, 2023

We have begun a year-long study of the gospel of Mark. This week, Matt talks about how Jesus continually went away into the woods, and asks us to interrogate whether the pace of our life is actually healthy.

Confront the Comfortable
October 01, 2023

We are embarking on a year-long study of the gospel of Mark. This week, Matt talks about how Jesus came to confront the dysfunction that is comfortable within the church.

Follow Me
September 24, 2023

We are embarking on a year-long study of the gospel of Mark. This week, Debbie preaches to the entire communitykids included!on what it means when Jesus invites us to leave the familiar and follow Him.

The Water Before the Woods
September 17, 2023

We've just begun a year-long study of the gospel of Mark. This week, Matt Moberg preaches on the Voice that spoke over Jesus at his baptism and how it speaks over us today.

Call of the Wild
September 10, 2023

Together, we embark on a year-long study of the gospel of Mark. In this week's episode, Matt Moberg leads us through the dark history and context in which John Mark wrote his gospel, and why the vision of John the Baptist in the wilderness was both a sorr