The Subversive Therapist

Latest Episodes
S4, Part 15, Zen & Notes on Fascism
Twentieth-century European fascism boasted of a strong State run by a right-wing Fuher or demagogue, i.e., dictator. Both in Italy and Nazi Germany, the nuclear family was central to the enthusiasm for patriotic nationalism and militarism. The fascist par
S4, Part 14, War Games: October 7th & Israeli Fascism
On the surface, the War game version of Kick Me is two-handed. During World War II, 120,000 Japanese were in American detention camps after the Pearl Harbor attack. The U.S. dropped two atomic bombs on Japan as retaliation for the attack despite World War
S4, Part 13, The Mass Shooter Game: Now I’ve Got You, You SOB!
The set up to Mass Shooter is I will destroy the world and then kill myself. In simple terms, the War game version of Now Ive Got You, You SOB! is the climax of Mass Shooter. Both games involve the Othering of a certain person, group, or ethnicity, wh
S4, Part 12, Intro to War & Media Games
This episode includes a discussion of the history of the swastika as well as a discussion of War (e.g., assassination of al-Zawari) and Media games (Aint It Awful). The U.S. war machine influences the mainstream media to manufacture consent for war. In t
S4, Part 11, Capitalism Games: Status Update
The psychotherapy patient is trained to walk into the therapy room to sit or lie down on the couch. Immediately they begin to describe their life by speaking in longform. This is a pastime: a semi-ritualistic and socially programmed activity of updating t
S4, Part 10, The Children of the Future: Destroying the Natural Human Animal
In the book, The Recovery of the True Self, psychiatrist Robert Phillips states that all of the animals other than the human animal have an uncomplicated family-life. Child-rearing among those animals looks rather simple and straightforward. The offs
S4, Part 9, Revolution is Sexual Revolution
In his book, The Sexual Revolution, Wilhelm Reich, MD writes that the transition from matriarchy (sex-affirming) to patriarchy (sex-suppressing) changed the individual from a free clan member to a subjugated member of the family (p. 165). Reich argues tha
S4, Part 8, Wilhelm Reich, Socialization, & The Little Fascist
The psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich, MD understood that a specific form of human socialization has created the fascist character via armoring. In his book The Mass Psychology of Fascism, Reich writes that the mechanistic-mystical character of modern man h
S4, Part 7, No “Left” Left: Time for Revolution
In the book, The Anatomy of Fascism, Robert Paxton argues that Fascists need a demonized enemy against which to mobilize followers, but of course the enemy does not have to be Jewish. Each culture specifies the national enemy. (p. 37) The system is movi
S4, Part 6, Gender Identity: Dialogic Process vs. Debate
The Media game version of Gender Identity presents itself as a dialogic process. The interview--which is actually a debate--starts with the question, "What is a woman?" or "How many genders are there?" This game has similar dynamics as Climate Change beca