Strategic Communications, LLC

Strategic Communications, LLC

Latest Episodes

Public Relations Means Showing Up
October 27, 2017

I attend a lot of events for our public relations clients. Sure, I attend when necessary to perform specific tasks related to my work on their behalf, such as for press

Take Time to Build Relationships
February 14, 2017

As a small, local business it’s important to build relationships within the local community. But as a small, local business there isn’t always time to build and nurture individual relationships.

Everyone Needs Trusted Advisors
December 27, 2015

One of the great freedoms when you create or run your own company is that you don’t have to report to anyone. But in reality, we all work for someone.

Importance of Checklists
December 07, 2015

Key checklists are needed by successful business leaders. They help keep us on track and focused.Without them, a successful year in business is really just dumb luck. In this edition of the Strategic

Time for a Chief Integration Officer
October 22, 2015

CEOs, board members, members of the U.S. military, marketing and communications leaders, faculty members, and other groups all consider how to approach strategic opportunities, key market decisions, or how to work their way through difficult and sensit...

Importance of PR for MBAs
August 24, 2015

PR students and professionals are often told that they need to understand the fundamentals of business in order to earn a seat at the management table. Now, business schools are

Knowing What’s Actually Newsworthy
June 08, 2015

There is a time and place for all of your organization’s news to be shared – but not all of it will make the cut for your daily newspaper or the

PESO – The New Communications Currency
May 04, 2015

The overwhelming myriad of communication channels available today can now be viewed through a condensed and organized lens, referred to as PESO. Michael Meath explains what this means – and

Empowering Your Workforce
April 06, 2015

Organizations are often so focused on delivering their messages to external audiences, they step right over their employees. And the employees notice this. But an informed workforce leads to a more

Your Spokesperson Isn’t Always Your CEO
March 05, 2015

The CEO doesn’t always have to be your organization’s spokesperson. In fact, there are several scenarios in which that can hurt your organization. Whatever you do, don’t wait until the