The #Sparked Life

EP: 18 When Tragedy Births Purpose, The #Sparked Life Podcast
When the unthinkable happens, we are built to respond in fight, flight, or freeze. Our bodies are wired to slow down, conserve energy, and limit our view to what is right in front of us. Remarkably, when tragedy happens, there are some Purpose Peeps who shift to evolve tragedy into some of the most purposeful action. Somehow they shift to see possibility in the middle of impossible grief
As we are months into the world's response to the COVID19 pandemic, many of us are experiencing the extreme stressors of the attack on human life as well as the painful requirements to reduce its impact. During this time, the ailments of our time are revealed in full view as the capacity of the world is too full and stretched to cover them.
During the last weeks, the world mourned with the family of Ahmaud Arbery as we watched the video of his murder amongst intense public outcry. Let me ask the question that is the elephant in the room, does the sparked life matter and exist within such difficult and challenging times? While the world is in survival mode, is thriving an option?
Thanks to a friend sharing his heartbreak about Ahmaud's murder, I was reminded of a part of my purpose story, my family history, that is so painful I locked it away. Locked away with that pain and trauma is also the story of a family hero who in the face of indescribable pain, weaved an amazing story of love, purpose, and social advocacy.
I am thrilled that The #Sparked Life Podcast's first interview format features a painfully complex and beautiful purpose story that will help us answer some of the big questions many have during this challenging time of history. Please open your hearts and hear a story of a tragedy that birthed purpose and societal change with Mr. Kenneth Barnes, Sr., Community Leader, Purpose Prize Fellow, Founder of Reaching Out to Others Together (ROOT Inc.) and father. Here how the unthinkable allowed him to coin the term, Chronic Traumatic Stress Disorder™ (CTSD) that built a platform for change in how we view and treat youth who are repeatedly traumatized by gun violence.