The #Sparked Life

EP 17: Survival Is NOT The Enemy, The #Sparked Life Podcast
Purpose Peep,
Have you heard statements that pit surviving against thriving? Some sound like, "go from surviving to thriving." I went so far in one of my tag lines to say, "end survival as a lifestyle to thrive in your life of purpose." During my exploration of yes/and strategies, I heard the divide and could see another possibility.
Surviving and thriving are not at war with one another or at opposite ends of a spectrum. We are wired to kick into survival mode when needed and to return to our homestate when the danger is no longer present. The issue lies in staying in survival mode in a defensive posture, which can be problematic to thriving in life, which requires being open, vulnerable and available to our path to purpose journey and experiences.
I realized my desired outcome for myself and clients is not to end survival as a lifestyle but to transform survival as a lifestyle by letting it be just what it is--a temporary strategy. We are all living through temporary survival strategies as our response to the COVID19 pandemic. Life will shift as we live and heal through this experience.
I believe that as we co-create our new normal, what we learn and cultivate during this time will become the bedrock, the strong foundation, for what will come. In this episode, let's unlock and face our survival patterns of old and hold them up to the light of now and who we are becoming as Purpose Peeps.
Check out our COVID19 Sparked Life Support here.
Dena Wiggins is a Transformational Author, Consultant, Certified Purpose Coach & MBA. She takes an unwavering stand for your purpose. Dena unlocks purpose in sparked Purpose Peeps facilitating businesses and organizations to transform into lighthouses that shine solutions into the marketplace, no matter what. As a Purposed Resultant, she combines her experiences and passion for spark, purpose, and strategy to create impactful solutions that deliver your results that matter. Learn more about her Unlock The Keys To Your Success And Turn Them Into Results® programs and A Life of Purpose® Products that shift your sparks (or ahas) into action at
IKIGAI As A Purposed Resultant Program
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