The #Sparked Life

EP 12: The #Sparked Life: Synchronicity On Your Journey
Hello Purpose Peeps!
In this episode of The #Sparked Life, we uncover great synchronicity that's been building throughout the last 5 podcasts. Don't you love when life teaches us something over time--sort of like a slow build? I wonder if life chuckles when we recognize the connections? Cool thought, don't you think?
Learn how:
- How our last episodes were taking us on a journey about our journey (say that 3 times really fast)
- Why now is such a great time for intentional sparked life living
- How we have been building a bridge to reconnect with our child while being equipped to support the younger Purpose Peeps in our lives
- What the Be Your Type of Super movement is about
- Our assignment and mantra to explore until our next time together
As promised here are some cool links:
- Almost 200 CEOs Redefine The Purpose of Organizations (if you subscribe to you stay in the know with all the latest Purpose Peep news)
- Be Your Type of Super Workbook Samples for Middle School & High School Aged Purpose Peeps
- Be Your Type of Super Special For Adult Purpose Peeps - Imperative Profile & Coaching Session for $100 (Use Code SUPER)
If you're in the Atlanta, Georgia area August 31 - September 1, stop by the Decatur Book Festival!
For information regarding unlocking books or programs, go to
Enjoy your #sparked life now!
Dena For Your Purpose
Dena Wiggins is a Transformational Author, Consultant, Certified Purpose Coach & MBA. She takes an unwavering stand for your purpose. Dena unlocks purpose in sparked Purpose Peeps facilitating businesses and organizations to transform into lighthouses that shine solutions into the marketplace, no matter what. As a Purposed Resultant, she combines her experiences and passion for spark, purpose, and strategy to create impactful solutions that deliver your results that matter. Learn more about her Unlock The Keys To Your Success And Turn Them Into Results® programs and A Life of Purpose® Products that shift your sparks (or ahas) into action at
The Purpose Place: Activating Purpose In Younger Purpose Peeps