The #Sparked Life

EP 11: Following Your Sparks, The #Sparked Life Podcast With Dena Wiggins
In this episode, we explore one of the gifts of living The #Sparked Life now--following your sparks!
We unlock:
- How we were being guided to this discussion at the perfect time (kairos)
- The reason why the intentional practice of following your sparks is so important, right now
- The real on what it feels like to get started
- My true story of the power of following your sparks
- How sparks are amazing gifts
- What following your sparks have to do with a realization mindset
Because we are resultants, we always have a homework assignment to turn our ahas into results that matter. And because we are purposed we have a new affirmation to allow this experience to penetrate our heart space and shift our mindset.
If you love this episode, you will love my chapter in a new anthology project called: Entrepreneurial Elevation: 31 Strategic Lessons & Personal Stories By Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurs, created with the vision of renowned speaker, entrepreneur and coach, Cheryl Wood. Share your experience below or on the podcast post on social media @denaforyourpurpose or @dena4urpurpose on Twitter.
Share your experience below or on the podcast post on social media @denaforyourpurpose or @dena4urpurpose on Twitter.
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Enjoy your #sparked life now!
Dena For Your Purpose
Dena Wiggins is a Transformational Author, Consultant, Certified Purpose Coach & MBA. She takes an unwavering stand for your purpose. Dena unlocks purpose in sparked Purpose Peeps facilitating businesses and organizations to transform into lighthouses that shine solutions into the marketplace, no matter what. As a Purposed Resultant, she combines her experiences and passion for spark, purpose, and strategy to create impactful solutions that deliver your results that matter. Learn more about her Unlock The Keys To Your Success And Turn Them Into Results® programs and A Life of Purpose® Products that shift your sparks (or ahas) into action at
The Purpose Place: Activating Purpose In Younger Purpose Peeps