The #Sparked Life

EP 10: The #Sparked Life Podcast The Purpose & Power of Your Story
Hello Purpose Peeps!
In this episode of The #Sparked Life, we unlock the purpose and power of our stories. This is a great follow-on from recent episodes!
In our last time together, we unlocked the milestones in our story that reveal what we are graced for. Then we layered our experience map with our distractions that we experienced and how we perceived them at the time. Our homework after this session will be adding our major relationships!
I am so excited to share more about my purpose story and how I experientially learned the power of the sparked life mindset and intention. Check out how these lessons were reinforced with recent events. Purpose Peeps, this is sooooo juicy like biting into a Georgia peach!
Build Awareness
- How purpose unfolds
- How we relate to life events
- Affirming synchronicity
Intentional Practice
- Choosing to have the sparked life mindset and intention is a choice
- Adding the relationship lens to our path to purpose story
- The duality of living the authenticity of your stories and experiencing the bigger messages
- What are the themes do you see?
- What are your breakthrough patterns?
Share your experience below or on the podcast post on social media @denaforyourpurpose or @dena4urpurpose on Twitter.
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Enjoy your #sparked life now!
Dena For Your Purpose
Dena Wiggins is a Transformational Author, Consultant, Certified Purpose Coach & MBA. She takes an unwavering stand for your purpose. Dena unlocks purpose in sparked Purpose Peeps facilitating businesses and organizations to transform into lighthouses that shine solutions into the marketplace, no matter what. As a Purposed Resultant, she combines her experiences and passion for spark, purpose, and strategy to create impactful solutions that deliver your results that matter. Learn more about her Unlock The Keys To Your Success And Turn Them Into Results® programs and A Life of Purpose® Products that shift your sparks (or ahas) into action at
The Purpose Place: Activating Purpose In Younger Purpose Peeps