The #Sparked Life

EP 7: The Power of Your Response, The #Sparked Life Podcast
Hello Purpose Peep!
Wow, it's been a minute... Can you believe we are approaching the end of the first quarter of the year? Incredible, right?
In this episode of The #Sparked Life Podcast, we unlock a part of one of my favorite purpose math formulas. It hails from one of my favorite teachers and mentors, Jack Canfield, author of The Success Principles and the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. It is Event + Response = Outcome or E + R = O.
In this episode, we apply E + R = O to being sparked. So the event is being sparked, which we do not own, it's something we experience plus + our response, which we completely own = our outcomes. Looking at this purpose math, we see that our outcomes are co-created!
Our new podcast includes:
Catch Up! You know how friends that have not spoken in a while pick up as if they spoke yesterday,
Real life examples of the power of our response! It's so juicy,
How the purpose partners spark & nudges work in our lives,
Realizing the true intention of our sparks,
New freemium for your purpose in celebration of YOU and my special birthday,
Our new mantra, and
How to Marie Kondo & create room for the doors of expansion that our responses unlock.
Snag another Purpose Peep to join our community. Don't forget to subscribe and download on your favorite device. And, share your ahas and results on your path to purpose journey at, @denaforyourpurpose under the podcast announcement.
After you have a listen, you will understand this is OUR opportune time!
To Your Purpose & Results That Matter,
freemium For Your Purpose