The #Sparked Life

EP 2: YOUR Spark – The #Sparked Life Podcast
Hey Purpose Peeps!
Welcome to The #Sparked Life, conversations for our growing community of Sparked Purpose Peeps who are unlocking what sparks us, what makes us come alive and using this clarity to craft our lives of purpose, The #Sparked Life!
In this episode, we unlock your version of being sparked. We talk through four key points that help you discover your sparked experiences. Yes, discover them because often times they are hidden in plain sight!
And because I'm Your Sister in Purpose & Resultant, we have homework until next time.
The Three Step Approach to Cracking YOUR Code for Being Sparked
This Three Step Approach Will Result in YOU:
===> Building your awareness about your unique version of The #Sparked Life!
===> Defining "sparked" on your own terms
===> Recognizing the authentic nature of your sparked life
===> Taking action toward your results that matter
Practice the Affirmations "The Sparked Life IS for me. I am living my Sparked Life NOW."
Go to EP 2: Your spark convo at
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