The Solution - For All Mankind, For All Time

The Gift from God
Episode 95: The Gift from God
In today's show you will meet Hector who loves God and refuses to allow the circumstances of life to steal his joy.
God has given us many things, but the greatest of all is the gift of His son, Jesus Christ. And believing in His son results in receiving the gift of eternal life.
God did not reconcile us to himself by our good works or by our prayer or by our going to church every week. God reconciled us and brought us back into favor and righteousness to Himself by Jesus Christ.
And not only that – He gave us the ministry of
reconciliation. You have a ministry. That ministry is to speak God’s Word
regarding the Lord Jesus Christ to others so that they too can be reconciled to
the one true God.
The interview in the second half of the program is with Christian minister, author, Bible teacher and broadcaster Mike Verdicchio. Mike’s newest book “What Does It Mean?” was just recently published.
Whether someone is simply interested in the culture of Bible times, a casual reader of the Bible, a serious student of the Scriptures, or a teacher, in the pages of What Does It Mean? they will discover gems of hidden truths and delight in understanding previously difficult sections of the Bible.
What Does It Mean? not only sheds light on over four dozen hard to understand verses of the Bible, but also offers some simple practical application for our day and time.
Mike's blog is at To receive an autographed copy of Mike's most recent book go to
You can visit Mike's YouTube channel at