The Solution - For All Mankind, For All Time

God’s Treasure
Episode 86: God's Treasure
Interview segment – John Fallahee –
Jesus Christ is a wonderful example to us in His respect for the written Word of God, in hearing God’s voice and in His obedience to His Father’s direction. Jesus Christ knew who he was because he knew his Heavenly Father and His Word. Jesus knew his purpose and why he came into the world.
Do you know who you are? Do you know your purpose? Do you know what you have been called to? What do the scriptures say about you?
Your true identity is found in Christ in God. You are loved beyond measure by your Heavenly Father. He has in store for you an inheritance so rich and abundant that it will take God all eternity to unfold to you His great grace, mercy and love.
Hear God’s voice through His written Word and by the spirit. He’s your daddy, He wants to hang out with you. You are His inheritance, you are His treasure.
The interview segment is with John Fallahee from
John resides in Green Bay, WI with his wife and three children. He has a Master’s of Divinity degree and an MBA and is currently working on his PhD at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in preaching and apologetics. John also teaches at his local church.
He was employed with Logos Bible Software before beginning his training ministry LearnLogos. At he has trained tens of thousands of people around the world to use the Logos Bible Study software more effectively.
John has made available to The Solution Radio Show listeners a FREE training webinar on doing Word Studies with Logos Bible Software.
You may access this webinar at
John may be reached through email or on the website