The Solution - For All Mankind, For All Time

The Solution - For All Mankind, For All Time

Philippians 2 – Joy in Service

November 06, 2016

Episode 76: Philippians 2 - Joy in Service

When we read and study God’s Word our goal should be to grow closer in our relationship with God as our Heavenly Father. We don’t read and study just to gain more knowledge. What a tremendous waste of time to only have head knowledge and not have the application of the knowledge to end that we know experientially God as our Father and Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

The Creator of the heavens and the earth is our Heavenly Father. Our eternal relationship with Him is far more rewarding than what the world could ever offer.

It is important to recognize that a knowledge of God without a relationship with Him leads to an arrogant and haughty attitude. We should desire to go beyond just knowing about God, to the end that we walk and talk with Him as our Heavenly Father.

Philippians 2 gives us some very practical instruction in how to live with and for God.

Opening and closing music is provided by Sal Arico.