The Solution - For All Mankind, For All Time

Latest Episodes
The Name Above All Names
Episode 104: The Name Above All Names - God the Father has given Jesus Christ the name above all names. There is tremendous power and deliverance in that name. What an awesome savior we have in Jesus Christ! - Acts 2:21-24, 36-39 Acts 4:1-12
No Fear No Fear Today!
Episode 103: No Fear Today! - God our Father is in us and with us today. It is available to live this life with no fear whatsoever. If you have any fear in your life, listen to this sharing to learn how to eliminate ALL fear in your life. -
Workers Together with God Workers Together with God
Episode 102: Workers Together with God - On this labor day we celebrate the American worker and all that they do for our family and community. On an even greater note - we can rejoice in the work our Heavenly Father has called us to do.
Tender Mercy Tender Mercy
Episode 101: Tender Mercy God's Tender Mercy is abundant toward people. - Psalm 119:156 Psalm 103 Ephesians 2
I Hope I’m Ready
Episode 100: I Hope I'm Ready - The other day I had an interesting conversation with Shania. It was not unlike a conversation that I’ve had many times over the years. We were talking about the return of Jesus Christ and eternal life. -
The Reward of Obedience
Episode 99: The Reward of Obedience - Today's topic is the Reward of Obedience from Philippians chapter two. - The second half of the show is an interview with Billy Hallowell, Director of Communication and Content for Pure Flix Entertainment. -
He is Risen
Episode 98: He is Risen - Words mean something. Words can inspire and encourage or they can cause despair and fear. - The words of politicians move nations to action. While the words of some endeavor to instill fear and paralyze the hearers.
Jesus Christ Our Passover Lamb
Episode 97: Jesus Christ Our Passover Lamb - This week being the week before we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead I thought we’d take a look at Jesus Christ as our Passover Lamb and what that means to us today. -
Answered Prayer
Episode 96: Answered Prayer - A couple days a go I had the privilege to pray with Sheryl, a young lady from Florida. She was visiting the Chicago area because her brother was in hospice. She is a Christian. Her brother was not a Christian.
The Gift from God
Episode 95: The Gift from God In today's show you will meet Hector who loves God and refuses to allow the circumstances of life to steal his joy. God has given us many things, but the greatest of all is the gift of His son, Jesus Christ.