The Solidarity Podcast by Teamsters Local 769

Latest Episodes
Proven Path to Victory
Main Story: Business Agent Andy Madtes joins us to discuss the City of Fort Lauderdale's current status and potential threats to working families during the current legislative session in Tallahassee.
Monroe County Special Report
Main Story: Andy Madtes gives a detailed report on the challenges facing workers at Monroe County Special thanks to Andy Madtes. Closing Credits: Show produced by the Officers and Staff of Teams
Countdown to 2024 Election
Main Story: Teamsters Local 769 President and Principal Officer Josh Zivalich breaks down the process for making political endorsements and the importance of voting for candidates who support our Unio
Attacks on Our Union
News: Excerpts from our January 2024 General Membership Meeting, including letters from scholarship recipients and an update from Tallahassee. Main Story: Andy Madtes breaks down the latest legisla
Summer Wrap-Up – Upcoming Events
News: SB256 Update. Public Sector Ratifications at St. Lucie County, Indian River County, the City of Vero Beach, and Rockledge. National Master Agreements at ABF, T-Force, Allegiant, and UPS. Pro
Each One Teach One – UPS Member Education
Check out the latest episode of the Solidarity Podcast with news about UPS and more.
STRIKE Prep And The Fights Ahead
News: Highlights from our February General Membership Meeting include news of the battles we face in Tallahassee, a special note of thanks to Brother Renshaw, and a list of our 2022 Teamsters Local 76
SPECIAL REPORT – UNITED Airlines Extension
This episode explains a few of the details of the UNITED Airlines Contract Extension, as well as information on how to request duplicate credentials. That process is also included below. 2023 CONTR
The Amazon Union Threat
News: Indian River County contract ratification, Teamsters Local 769 Picnics, RLA steward training, TLU769 Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament, and an organizing victory for maintenance workers at DHL Ex
The Summer of 22 – Special Update
News: Numerous contract ratifications including Avis, CEMEX, Freshpoint, IMEX, and more. Stewards gather for Training Seminar and UPS members conduct a Day of Action Promo: Teamsters Local 769 Scho