The Smarter Artist

The Smarter Artist

Latest Episodes

SA377 Use a Timer to Write Faster
April 03, 2017

Everyone talks about enhancing productivity, but it’s hard to know what will work for you. Today, Johnny talks about what took him from fast to light speed, and it’s probably something you already have at home… a kitchen timer.

SA376 Take a Break Already
March 31, 2017

Are you a hard-working Smarter Artist? Well of course you are but even the hardest working among us need to take a breather every now and then. In this episode, guest host C. Steven Manley suggests some ways to take a little stress out of your day and ...

SA375 Why the Second Act is Hardest and How to Make It Easier
March 29, 2017

Many people agree: the second act is the hardest to write. In the beginning, you have discovery and excitement. At the end, you have velocity. But the middle can be a wasteland. Today, Sean talks about why the second act is challenging,

SA374 Try Casting Your Characters
March 27, 2017

The idea of casting characters is something we’ve referred to very often on our various podcasts and in our books. Today, Johnny gives a solid overview of how you can be very practical in creating your characters to help you and your collaborators reme...

SA373 Flexibility as an Author with Jamie Davis
March 24, 2017

Pantsers and plotters are the dogs and cats of the writing world. They can’t coexist, right? Maybe not. In this episode, I explore the creative freedom of being flexible not just in the narrative itself but also in how you approach your writing at its ...

SA372 You Are Your Own COO
March 22, 2017

If you want to self publish, then you need to take the business side of your dream seriously. While you probably don’t need to draft an entire org chart with you in every role, you do need to know the different realms of being an indie author. Today,

SA371 Why Your Character Should Never Stand on a Soapbox
March 20, 2017

As a writer, it’s impossible not to insert yourself into your stories. But as a responsible storyteller, you can’t put your character on a soapbox if it doesn’t hold true to that characters. In other words, don’t preach! It turns readers off. Today,

SA370 The Art of Selective Apathy
March 17, 2017

Many artists navigate by ‘feel.’ This often leads to fear paralysis, causing the artist to create nothing at all. Today, guest host C. Steven Manley explores the definition of art, and when an artist should and should not pay attention to their feeling...

SA369 Why Every Smarter Artist Needs a Mentor
March 15, 2017

You might already be a successful smarter artist, but there’s something missing in your life: a mentor. Sure, you can keep treading water, but you won’t truly grow until you have ideas and observations from the outside,

SA368 Make Your Characters Real Instead of Perfect
March 13, 2017

How many people in your life are perfect? How many people try to be and it annoys you to no end? Today, Johnny talks about how the best characters are aren’t perfect. Sometimes good people do bad things and bad people do good things; that’s life.