The Small Business Buzz: Legal | Marketing | Strategy | Entrepreneurship

The Small Business Buzz: Legal | Marketing | Strategy | Entrepreneurship

Episode 16: The new podcast format, reprise; Multimillionaire entrepreneur and business coach Meir Ezra talks about what business owners really need to know - The Small Business Buzz: Legal | Marketing | Strategy | Entrepreneurship

June 12, 2015

Episode 16 – Reprise of the new podcast format & Multimillionaire entrepreneur and business coach Meir Ezra gives some top-echelon advice for business owners
Legally speaking . . .
Kimberly (re)announces the new format for segment of the podcast – listeners are invited to email a question to Kimberly, and if she can’t answer it, she’ll bring someone on who can. Ready to get started? Email her at
Don’t forget to sign up for Kimberly’s bi-weekly business owner newsletter – it’s a good resource for helping you run your business and from time to time she has bonuses that you can download for free. You can sign up at or on the front page of The Small Business Buzz.
Multimillionaire entrepreneur and business coach Meir Ezra talks about what business owners really need to know . . .
Special Guest, Meir Ezra, talks about what business owners really need to know to succeed – how to know if someone really knows what they are doing (before you hire them or use their services), why many business owners fail (and what successful business owners know), how getting your own self and family handled helps your business to flourish.
Want to reach out to Meir? You can reach him through his website at or by email at Interested in The Parent Academy? Email Lisa at
The mixed bag . . .
The theme song for The Small Business Buzz Podcast is Pioneers by Jason shaw released under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.
PIONEERS (Jason Shaw) / CC BY 3.0

And don’t forget to check out our sponsor, Astute Business Concierge. Need a little extra help? Virtual admin, billing & bookkeeping, and web & marketing assistance by the hour or by the project. More than just smart. Astute.