Latest Episodes

How to Grow a Massive Following on Instagram with Jasmine Ann Shea
November 16, 2018

Jasmine Ann Shea, a.k.a. Jazzy Things, shares how authenticity, transparency, consistency, and engagement can help online entrepreneurs build a massive following on Instagram.

[On Air Coaching] How to Test Your Business Idea with Regina Diez
November 14, 2018

Regina Diez learns how to turn her passion into profits by testing her business idea with a beta program and multiple test clients.

How to Become a Productive Podcaster
November 12, 2018

I share the behind-the-scenes strategies I use to stay productive as a busy podcast host and tips to easily collaborate with your post-production podcast team.

The Surprising Advantage of Niching Down on YouTube with Steve Dotto
November 09, 2018

Steve Dotto shares one of the most surprising advantages of niching down his YouTube channel to hyperfocus on a specific audience.

[On Air Coaching] How to Find a Name and Tagline for a Program with Angelika Schlinger
November 07, 2018

Angelika Schlinger learns how to create attention-grabbing names and powerful taglines for her new coaching program.

The Freedom Plan: How to Turn Your Online Course into a Book with Natalie Sisson
November 05, 2018

Natalie Sisson shares how she turned her online course into a published book to reach a wider audience to help more entrepreneurs develop a plan to achieve true freedom.

[On Air Coaching] How to Stand Out and Be Taken Seriously in a Sea of Fakeness with Mirjam van der Zee
November 02, 2018

Mirjam van der Zee learns how to consistently create content that will attract her ideal clients and increase her authority in her industry.

How to Learn from your Launch and Do It Better Next Time
October 31, 2018

Breaking down my launch review strategy and why it’s critical to review your launches to continually launch better, achieve better results, and impact your success.

How to Get Clear on Your Ideal Client with Ann-Katrin Kossendey-Kosh
October 29, 2018

Ann-Katrin Kossendey learns how to identify and attract her ideal client and strategies to create programs and products her new ideal clients will love.

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others and Start Doing Your Own Thing
October 26, 2018

Comparisonitis - how it stops you from taking inspired action, and how to overcome it.