Latest Episodes

The Unspoken Fears Around Email and How to Get Past Them with Tarzan Kay
August 21, 2019

Tarzan Kay shares some of the most common unspoken fears entrepreneurs have around email marketing and easy ways you can overcome them.

How Quantum Physics Can Transform Your Business with Deberah Bringelson
August 14, 2019

Deberah Bringelson shares how Quantum Physics helps entrepreneurs turn their businesses around, achieve 7 and 8 figures, and take their business to the next level.

How to Budget for a Live Event of Any Size
August 07, 2019

The lessons I’ve learned from managing live events of various sizes and the factors every entrepreneur should consider before hosting live events.

How To Sell on a Discovery Call with Terra Bohlmann
July 31, 2019

Terra Bohlmann discusses the different sales personalities of female entrepreneurs and how she structures her discovery calls to sell her services.

Behind the Scenes of Selfmade Summit 2020
July 24, 2019

I take you behind the scenes of planning my first international conference, the Selfmade Summit 2020, the largest international conference for women entrepreneurs.

How to Maximize Value From Content You Create with Amy Woods
July 17, 2019

Amy Woods shares content repurposing strategies to maximize the value of the content you create for your online business.

You Don't Have Time? Think Again
July 10, 2019

I explain why time is not the biggest problem entrepreneurs have when it comes to creating online courses and share strategies for overcoming procrastination to finally create and launch your online course.

How Feng Shui Can Set You Up for Business Success with Patricia Lohan
July 03, 2019

Patricia Lohan shares how Feng Shui can help entrepreneurs design a working environment that will set up their business - and their life - for success.

How to Humanise Your Marketing for Business Success with Mark Schaefer
June 26, 2019

Mark Schaefer explains why entrepreneurs need to humanize their marketing and advertising campaigns and what business owners should do to create profitable marketing campaigns.

[Client Success Story] How I Had a 23K Launch 2 Months After Joining SOMBA Momentum
June 24, 2019

Merilyn Wilson Beretta shares how she had a 23K launch for her group coaching program, only 2 months after joining SOMBA Momentum and how offering free strategy calls impacted her conversion rates.