The Seed
Romans 13v8ff. (Preach, The Seed , 2022-11-06)
Using a single word to distinguish one kind of “love” from another is problematic, increasingly so in today’s culture. Our understanding of what we mean when we use the word love comes from both our experience of it, and the context of the words, the sentences we are saying. When people who we are talking to have different understanding and experience, they may not hear what we are intending to say. This ambiguity can be leveraged to bully people to accuse people of motivations they just don’t possess, and/or to bully them into agreeing with an ideology which is clearly opposed to biblical values. Even when there is no malicious intent, there can also be hurt and misunderstanding.
This is important because today, Paul tells us that we have a debt to love one another and that love is the fulfilment of the law. Today we consider the nuances and implications of what that truly means.
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The Seed Christian Fellowship is a small Christian Church in Somerset UK