The Secret Life of Dietitians

Digestive Issues: GERD, Reflux, Ulcers and Spicy Food/Diet Myths
In our previous podcast, we debunked the effect of spicy foods on metabolism. While it does increase your metabolism, the increase is, unfortunately, insignificant – a whopping 10 calories burned over 5 hours. This will have little to no impact on the 1000-calorie chicken wing meal you are consuming…
Tonight we will be discussing digestion, and the effects of spicy food on our digestion and settling the remaining spicy food myths out there. A spicy meal isn’t necessarily bad for digestion, but it can pose problems and trigger symptoms among people who have digestive issues like acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, we need to point out… sometimes it’s not the spice that causes the digestive issues, but the other foods you’ve eaten in that same meal. So it’s important to check and make sure you are not actually reacting to the high-fat meal.
Gut health is very unique, and we are on a huge learning curve here… What we know is some people react to certain foods meaning they have more symptoms related to reflux or Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Tonight we are going to focus on reflux & GERD.
This podcast is for educational purposes. This is not a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your health care provider for specific medical concerns.
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*Original Music by: Brian Poland of Miss Communication