Scammercast Podcast - Awareness, Information and Education About the Most Prolific Scams Out There
Latest Episodes
A Chat With a Financial Industry Compliance Insider
We all work hard and save our money with the hope of one day having a secure and enjoyable retirement. Sadly, however, sometimes the people we trust to advise us on how to reach that goal act in their own interest, not ours.
A Chat With a Financial Industry Compliance Insider
We all work hard and save our money with the hope of one day having a secure and enjoyable retirement. Sadly, however, sometimes the people we trust to advise us on how to reach that goal act in their own interest, not ours.
A Visit with with Gerri Walsh President, FINRA Investor Education Foundation
Investor Education and coordinating the regulation and protection of the processes involved in the world of investing – well – it’s a huge and daunting task. Today, we’re proud to welcome Gerri Walsh who educates US about her role,
Senior Learning Network & Generations Learning
Here on the Scammercast, we talk a lot about how to prevent scams and fraud from occurring in the first place. But, even very smart, savvy people can be victimized by the scammers. In the area of cybersecurity, this is particularly true.
Senior Learning Network & Generations Learning
One of our strongest convictions is that the more we can keep older adults connected and active, the more likely it is that they can avoid becoming a victim to scams. We encourage older adults to stay active socially and mentally so they can be aware o...
Smart People Get Ripped Off Too! A Visit with Cybersecurity Expert Scott Schober
Here on the Scammercast, we talk a lot about how to prevent scams and fraud from occurring in the first place. But, even very smart, savvy people can be victimized by the scammers. In the area of cybersecurity, this is particularly true.
Smart People Get Ripped-Off Too! A Visit with Cybersecurity Expert Scott Schober
Here on the Scammercast, we talk a lot about how to prevent scams and fraud from occurring in the first place. But, even very smart, savvy people can be victimized by the scammers. In the area of cybersecurity, this is particularly true.
A Visit with Marti Deliema from the Stanford Center on Longevity at Stanford University
We’ve spoken many times here on the Scammercast about the crucial role that emotions play in scams and frauds. Emotions overpower and send offline your thinking brain, where your trusty “scam detector” lives.
A Visit with Marti Deliema from the Stanford Center on Longevity at Stanford University
We’ve spoken many times here on the Scammercast about the crucial role that emotions play in scams and frauds. Emotions overpower and send offline your thinking brain, where your trusty “scam detector” lives. -
Adam Levin Tells Us - It's Time to Claim Your Credit/Identity Portfolio
There hs never been a more important time to realize that it’s time to protect yourself against Scammers, Phishers and those that will go to every length to steal your identity. Adam K. Levin is visiting with us to stress that it really IS TIME for eve...