The Raise Up A Standard Podcast: Seeking the Creator / Hebrew Scriptures / Torah / True Health

The Raise Up A Standard Podcast: Seeking the Creator / Hebrew Scriptures / Torah / True Health

Latest Episodes

Eat With Balance (Audio)
August 22, 2017

In this new audio session, we'll be highlighting the value of eating in a balanced way, in order to promote optimal health for vibrant living. We'll also discuss the "why" as to the importance of doing so, as people of...

At the Door (Audio)
August 07, 2017

Thank you for joining me for another audio sharing session. In this session we'll be taking a look at the Scripture passage concerning God's invaluable instruction to Cain in Genesis four, and what it means for us. What we find...

Health and Connection (Audio)
July 30, 2017

In this audio recording, we'll be considering the concept that true, ultimate health means that we are in a place of connection. This means that we reconnect with the Creator, and find our harmonious place in His plan and purpose...

Harmonious Alignment (Audio)
July 23, 2017

In this audio recording, we'll be discussing the beautiful concept that when we truly align with the Creator, we will also be able to finally step into gorgeous harmonious relationships with others around us...

Developing Higher Consciousness (Audio)
July 16, 2017

Thank you again for joining me for another audio session. In this session, we'll be reflecting on the gorgeous journey that we each need to go on, in order to move beyond, and release, the programming of our past...

God’s Love Expressed (Audio)
July 09, 2017

In this audio session, we're contemplating the beautiful reality that God's love is expressed in His creation. This is of amazing value for us to tune into, in order to help us connect with the all encompassing love of our God...

Rising Above Programming (Audio)
July 06, 2017

In this audio session, we consider how we can rise above the programming that we have been fed by growing up in this world. Our ability to develop higher thinking will serve to bring amazing healing and transformation into our lives...

Beyond Definition (Audio)
July 02, 2017

In this audio session, I discuss the value and importance of connecting with the Creator, and coming to know Him, while letting go of our tendencies to try to see Him according to finite definitions...

Dwelling In a Centered Place (Audio)
June 28, 2017

This free flow audio session is the second in the current series, "Health In Full Discussion." I've been sharing some of the content that is in my book, and also expanding on it in these sessions. In this particular audio I'm delving into the...

Right In Front of Us (Audio)
June 27, 2017

This is the first audio session in the series, "Health In Full Discussion," in which I am sharing thoughts springing from the book that I have written and published, "Health In Full: Connecting to Vibrant Life In the Creator"...
