The Raise Up A Standard Podcast: Seeking the Creator / Hebrew Scriptures / Torah / True Health

The Raise Up A Standard Podcast: Seeking the Creator / Hebrew Scriptures / Torah / True Health

Latest Episodes

Journeying With Openness (Audio)
June 20, 2017

In this free flowing audio recording, I am sharing elements of my own journey and discussing the amazing value of being open and flexible in our Spirit, and in the context of our Spiritual...

Transforming Through Trust (Audio)
June 14, 2017

Welcome to this audio sharing session: "Transforming Through Trust." Transformation at an individual level is an integral part of God's glory filling the earth, as we can only affect global transformation by becoming transformed ourselves - in a true,...

Discovering Transformation (Audio)
June 07, 2017

Welcome to this audio sharing session: Discovering Transformation. It is my sincere hope that it is a blessing to you.

RUAS 010: Victorious Leadership Through Insight
May 18, 2016

I am well aware that the insights which I am sharing with you on this particular podcast episode are not exhaustive in terms of the depth and meaning of the verse that [...]

RUAS 009: An Introduction to the Biblical Calendar
April 25, 2016

Even though the Biblical Calendar is introduced to us here right at the beginning of creation, within the very account of creation [...]

RUAS 008: Trust and Truth
April 08, 2016

“Trust in Yah with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.” Perhaps, for you, these have been words of comfort and inspiration [...]

RUAS 007: Finding Joy in the Creation With Our God
April 01, 2016

My guess is that most of the "Raise Up A Standard" audience, will all be able to agree that the God of the Bible is also [...]

RUAS 006: The Creator, The Creation and Our Place
March 24, 2016

Being in relationship with our Creator means that we will be walking according to His will, His purpose and His intention in [...]

RUAS 005: Who Is the Promised Seed?
October 30, 2015

Who Is the Promised Seed? - The Answer May Surprise You. - In the Greek writings of the New Testament, we find the following statement: - “Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made. He does not say, “And to seeds,” as of many,

RUAS 005: Balance and the Midst of the Garden
October 24, 2015

It is time. It is time that the people of Yah take off their glasses of rigid religiosity and begin to [...]
