The Raise Up A Standard Podcast: Seeking the Creator / Hebrew Scriptures / Torah / True Health

The Raise Up A Standard Podcast: Seeking the Creator / Hebrew Scriptures / Torah / True Health

Latest Episodes

Fear Will Not Stop Us – Psalm 91 (Audio)
November 05, 2017

In this audio session, I am happy to be sharing from one of my favourite Psalms: Psalm 91. This Psalm has been very inspirational in my life, helping me to remember that there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of in this life,

Promoting Good In the World – Part Two (Audio)
October 10, 2017

This is Part Two in a short audio series considering what it means to promote good in the world. In this session, we take a look at a passage from Isaiah 33 and share thoughts arising from this passage. Particularly, we discuss our need to journey on...

Promoting Good In the World – Part One (Audio)
October 08, 2017

This particular audio recording, as part of a two part series, is inspired by a passage from Isaiah 33. From this passage we'll be considering how to promote good in the world, and discussing how we do so, firstly, by becoming transformed ourselves...

Sharing Things I Love to Do – Part Two (Audio)
October 06, 2017

This is "Part Two," in the short, two part series, "Sharing Things I Love to Do." The name of this audio series is pretty self explanatory, as I seek to share a little about myself personally. Thank you for taking an interest in...

Sharing Things I Love to Do – Part One (Audio)
October 04, 2017

In this audio session, I'm taking a bit of a different angle and sharing a bit more of me as a person. I hope this will help you to get to know me, and understand a little more of where I am coming from. Thank you so much for listening, and taking an...

Appreciating Holistic Health (Audio)
September 10, 2017

How important is holistic health in our lives? In this audio session, we'll be considering this question, and seeking to connect with the value of health in all areas of our lives. May this be of inspiration...

A Beautiful Future (Audio)
September 03, 2017

In order to live a life in which we dwell in hope and trust, while rising above the problems of the world, we need to believe in a beautiful future. And indeed, we are blessed with God's promises of gorgeous things to...

Discovering Who We Really Are (Audio)
August 29, 2017

Thank you for joining me for another free-flow audio session. In this audio recording, I share thoughts concerning our need to let go of trying to "be in control," and instead learn to live according to our true selves, and

Progressing Into Connection (Audio)
August 28, 2017

This is the final audio session in the "Health In Full Discussion" series. As we conclude this series, we'll be considering the intrinsic human need to connect with the Divine, that we may grow beyond the state in...

Value of Gratefulness (Audio)
August 27, 2017

As we continue on in the "Health In Full Discussion" audio series, we'll be considering the mindset of gratefulness, and how living a life of appreciation for what we've been given by God, according to His perfect design, will...
