The Profitable Stylist Podcast

The Profitable Stylist Podcast

Latest Episodes

PS184: Do We Ever Stop Assuming?
June 21, 2018

This podcast explores the pitfalls of making assumptions when building your business.

PS183: Is This What God Feels Like?
June 18, 2018

Bernard uses the analogy of free will to justify allowing assistants to help with our clientele even if their work is not equal to our own.

PS182: Stretch Yourself
June 14, 2018

How do you react to stress? When presented with a challenge, do you adjust? This podcast focuses on the benefits of facing new challenges and growing from them.

PS181: What Do You Get Lost In?
June 11, 2018

Bernard shares the activities that serve as a mental escape for him and encourages his listeners to find their own personal form of relaxation and self-care.

PS180: Learn To Love What You Hate
May 31, 2018

Bernard shares his own personal experience with learning to love things that he once hated and how doing so helped him grow both personally and professionally.

PS179: Can We Just Focus For A Minute
May 28, 2018

This podcast addresses our tendency to become distracted by new and exciting projects...even when we should be focusing our resources on current ventures.

PS178: What To Do With Cancellations
May 24, 2018

Bernard talks about what to do when the inevitable happens - customer cancellations. He shares a recent salon experience and offers practical tips and tricks to make that time productive.

PS177: Are Happy People Thankful or Vice Versa?
May 21, 2018

This podcast explores the impact our overall perceptions have on our attitude and ultimately our own happiness.

PS176: Making Money
May 17, 2018

Bernard recalls a recent visit to a salon that uses an aggressive consultant program to help their stylists achieve impressive levels of financial and professional success.

PS175: Your Hydraulic Chair!
May 14, 2018

This podcast focuses on the physical toll that a career in the hair industry can take on the body. Bernard shares some practical tips to help avoid some of the most common mistakes that lead to long term pain.