The Profitable Stylist Podcast

The Profitable Stylist Podcast

Latest Episodes

PS104: Jealousy
November 03, 2016

Bernard discusses jealousy and how it can often hinder life goals and authentic relationships.

PS103: Have You Lost It?
October 31, 2016

Bernard encourages listeners to reexamine the purpose behind what they do every day and rediscover their passion in the process.

PS102: Get A Coach
August 18, 2016

Bernard encourages even experienced stylists and seasoned business owners to seek out a professional coach, consultant or mentor to reach the next level of success.

PS101: Marketing vs Gambling
August 08, 2016

Bernard discusses his love of gambling and how many people spend money on marketing their business like they are gambling - without researching the odds or tracking results.

PS100: Do You Still Dream?
August 04, 2016

Bernard explores the lost art of dreaming as an integral part of growing a successful business. He encourages listeners to dream BIG and not limit their vision to what they believe is realistic.

PS99: New Habits
August 01, 2016

Bernard explains how introducing positive, healthy habits into your daily routine can help you eliminate the negative, unhealthy behaviors you may be struggling with.

PS98: Ask Questions
July 28, 2016

Bernard teaches listeners how to improve their sales and consultation skills by continuing to ask questions throughout the process.

PS97: If Only I Had....
July 25, 2016

This podcast dispels the myth that so many people believe....If only I had X, then I could get Y. Bernard encourages listeners to stop waiting and start working toward their goals.

PS96: Unplugged
July 21, 2016

Bernard reflects on his recent vacation to Costa Rica and how time away can help you gain invaluable perspective on your life and business.

PS95: It's Automatic
July 18, 2016

This podcast explains how and why automated systems can help a business become more successful through consistency.