The PosEcon Podcast

Latest Episodes
The PosEcon Podcast: S3 E1
AI: Artificial vs Actual Intelligence In this episode we talk about how AI tools are changing the education, social behaviour and education of the next generations. Its a discussion of what were see
S2E2: The Future is Now
Evolving Social Realities: How to Prepare for the Future and Preserve Past Values In this episode Dave and I are joined, once again, by Eli James and Sebastian Mariz to talk about the evolution and preservation of existing social behaviours… Read More
Season 2 Episode 1
The Power of Semantics and Misnomers in the Time of Vid After a 5 month hiatus Adam and Dave are back to bring the newly formatted podcast to you. We’ve trimmed it down and we’ve decided to be accompanied with… Read More
Introducing PosIconism – Part 2
Dave and I continue our conversation with Reid and Ben about technology society and economics. At this point we move from telecommuting into everyone’s favorite subject, Social Media. We ask the question: ‘Should those providers of social media/experie...
Introducing PosIconism – Part 1
EP2: Find out all about PosIconism and meet our Special Guests...