The Plucked Chicken

The Plucked Chicken

Latest Episodes

Imago Dei
August 18, 2020

You hear it frequently–“Everyone is made in the image of God, and becasue of that, blah, blah, blah.” Is it true that everyone is made in God’s image, or was only Adam? What part does salvation play in restoring this image? Pr. Kerns and Pr.

Pastors’ Roundtable on John
July 23, 2020

In today’s episode Nicodemus finds out he doesn’t have to crawl back into his mother’s womb in order to be born from above. This, we’re certain, was a great relief to Nicodemus’ mother. Join the same Pastors sitting around the same round table discussi...

Pastors’ Roundtable on John
July 15, 2020

It’s the same Prs. sitting around the same table. But this time, we take up John 2. Take a listen, because you’ll learn something.

Pastors’ Roundtable on John
July 14, 2020

Prs. Ockree, Kerns and Bruss finish their discussion of John chapter 1.

Pastors’ Roundtable on John
June 30, 2020

Hunkering for a Bible Study? Prs. Bruss, Ockree and Kerns walk thru and discuss Prologue of John–John 1.1-18.

Train Wreck Special
June 19, 2020

Pastor Randy Hand thinks all Christians should see miracles in their lives. The miracle will be, if Prs. Kerns and Bruss can make it to the end of Randy’s sermon.

Pickin’ Low Hangin’ Fruit w/ the Vicar
June 14, 2020

We know, we know. You thought the COVID19 fiasco cooked the Plucked Chicken for good. But we are like toe nail fungus, in that you can’t get rid of us that easily. On this episode Pr. Kerns is joined by an unnamed Vicar,

Using God’s Word as Mantra
February 26, 2020

Prs. Ockree and Kerns think this sermon sounds more like witchcraft than a Christian sermon. But what do they know? Give it a listen and you be the judge.

Summer Series, 7
February 11, 2020

It’s got to be Summer somewhere, right? Pr. Bruss and Pr. Kerns examine Article 6 of the Epitome of the Formula of Concord–the 3rd Use of the Law.

Got Law? Do you really need it?
January 31, 2020

The Twisted Preacher is at it again, this time dissing on the Law of God. Pr. Bruss and Pr. Kerns identify this type of preaching as Deceptimonic. However, on the bright side, Mr. Farley is the very first impastor to receive a gift from Pr. Bruss.