The Pleasure Zone ~ Milica Jelenic

The Pleasure Zone ~ Milica Jelenic

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Creating Your Sex Bucket List ~ Milica Jelenic
January 03, 2022

The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic  It's a new year and a great time to get your pleasure priorities all written down. Have you ever created a specific bucket list for sex? How fun would it be to have 52 things for 52 weeks of the year to fulfill your

The Gift of Acknowledgement~ Milica Jelenic
December 27, 2021

The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic  I often hear in my coaching sessions that people feel their lover, partner, husband, wife, do not acknowledge them. So many of us dream to be seen, to be heard and to be acknowledged and yet so many times we are not.

Holistic Approach To Vulvodynia ~ Milica Jelenic
December 20, 2021

The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic  I have heard several of my women clients say that they feel at a loss when they look up what can assist them with vulvodynia. The thing is, that vulvodynia is not a the same for everyone and the approach to healing i

Choosing Your Relationship Coaching Clients ~ Milica Jelenic
December 06, 2021

The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic  When coaching do you just say YES to anyone asking to be a client? Did you know that you have an interview for what clients are a fit for you and what you offer in your coaching? Are you aware of what your targets ar

Top Tips For Choosing A Relationship Coach ~ Milica Jelenic
November 29, 2021

The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic  There are so many coaches available in the world these days that sometimes so much variety makes it confusing when it comes to choosing. One of the things I often wonder is what people are looking for when choosing a

A Brief History Of Courtesans ~ Milica Jelenic
November 22, 2021

The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic  It's story time! In this episode we will explore a brief history of courtesans. The history of courtesans is quite long and in depth but lets just have a quick look at these amazing working women and what they offere

Helpful Hints For Aging Penises ~ Milica Jelenic
November 15, 2021

The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic  Dear Aging Penises, I'm writing this to tell you that indeed all is not lost. I have some helpful hints that may allow you to have a great and pleasurable sex life even though you are considered aging penises. Please

Sacred Sex; Rituals Done Your Way ~ Milica Jelenic
November 08, 2021

The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic  Have you desired to have a relationship that includes sacred sex practices and just aren't sure how to go about doing it? Sacred Sex can be very ritualised and based on different cultures and religions, or you can cr

How To Be Playful In Sex ~ Milica Jelenic
November 01, 2021

The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic  What does being playful in sex mean? Shouldn't sex be serious? If you are thinking to yourself, "I don't even know how to be playful, I never have been, so how would I do it in sex?" then this is the episode for you!

Exercises To Improve Sex Drive ~ Milica Jelenic
October 25, 2021

The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic  In the last episode we took a look at general lifestyle choices that can improve libido. This week we are checking into the exercises you are doing outside the bedroom can either improve your sex drive or decrease it